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Colfax Mayfair BID: January 2025 Business News

Construction for the Colfax Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project is now underway between Broadway and Garfield Street.

This $280 million project will transform Colfax from a gritty, high-speed thoroughfare into a more attractive main street that is easier and safer for everyone to get around. Construction will occur in phases, starting at Broadway and moving east, with completion expected in late 2027.

Due to BID advocacy, our district will also get new street trees, pedestrian-scale light poles, trash cans, and bike racks. These placemaking elements will make our main street and town center safer and more welcoming for customers.

What you can do to prepare:

1. Get in the loop

  • Visit the Colfax BRT project website at
  • Sign up for the Colfax BRT e-newsletter
  • Prepare for construction with this Business Toolkit and tips on Thriving in a Construction Zone.
  • Learn about other business resources, including grants (currently available only to businesses in the construction zone here).
  • There will be a series of business meetings in our district to discuss more details and schedules in the coming months. Watch for this e-newsletter and door to door fliers for info.

2. What to know about construction in our area 

  • Scheduled to start at Colfax & Eudora this fall
  • One lane of traffic in each direction will remain open on Colfax at all times
  • Access to businesses will be maintained
  • Side streets will remain open

2. Send us your business news and promotions!

The Colfax Mayfair Business Improvement District represents some 200 business and property owners on Colfax Avenue between Eudora Street and Monaco Parkway and includes the Mayfair Town Center between East Colfax and 14th Avenue between Kearney and Leyden Streets.

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