
Our neighborhood main street delivers everyday conveniences, personal pampering, treasures and finds that make urban life better. Colfax is nothing like the polite sameness of a suburban mall and we’d never want it to be!
Colfax Mayfair Business Improvement District (BID) was formed by commercial property owners in a special election in 2014 for an initial 10-year term. The district was subsequently renewed in 2024. It provides enhanced local services through a self-governed annual assessment to all district property owners. We work closely with the City of Denver to implement economic development, placemaking, public safety and advocacy efforts.
One of Denver’s neighborhood-based commercial districts, Colfax Mayfair contributes significantly to the health and vitality of nearby neighborhoods and the City. The BID strengthens the area, creating a better place for people and businesses, which draws more consumers, private investment and retail services.
The BID prioritizes placemaking. This once-neglected area now has thriving eateries, creative home and garden stores, and popular retailers. An improved sense of place adds identity and cohesiveness, which supports both consumers and businesses.